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Young Songwriter
Elise Legendre
How to Make a Whole City Your Home
Toluwanimi Obiwole
Generation Stress: From Surviving to Thriving
Kristen Race
How Playing Outside Impacts Your Well-Being
Craig Childs
Imagining the world anew through creativity
Adam Lerner
An Unsolved Medical Mystery Sheds New Light on Ebola
Michelle Barnes
Re-Envisioning Climate Change Through Art
Marcus Munch
Winning the Battle Against Metabolic Disorders
Iñigo San Millán
Wearable Tech Expands Human Potential
Lauren Constantini
Monster Music Fortitude
Ian Cooke
Applying biometrics to make guns safer
Kai Kloepfer
Through connection to rural and urban spaces we can overcome sprawl
Brad Buchanan
Inclusive culture in schools transforms communities
Heidi Heissenbuttel
Turning down the heat on controversial topics like Climate Change
Waleed Abdalati
The Convergence of Movement, Mind & Feeling on the Vestibular Trail
Susan Chandler
Vortex Generators for Next-Generation Spaceflight
Johann Kailey-Steine
Turning Wastewater into Energy
Nurul MohdReza
Navigating Learning in the Multidisciplinary World
Naren Dasan
Mycoremediation of Endocrine Disruptors
Rachel Rossi
The Future of Innovation at 10^(-6)
Joshua Baptist
Designing Emergent Social Ecosystems
Alex Jeffery
Hip-Hop Environmental Activism
Xiuhtezcatl Martinez
On the Trail of the Sixth Taste
Nicole Garneau
Denver Folk Music’s Creative Standout
Patrick Dethlefs

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