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Archives for April 2014

Wednesdays on the Web: April 2nd

A weekly round-up of innovation, social impact, and design news from around the web.

1. An (Almost Completely) Open Source Laptop

Two Singapore-based engineers have created an almost 100% open source laptop. The hardware is freely available to the world at large.

2. Emoji’s Take On Twitter

The popular Emoji app will now allow their characters to be used on Twitter. Unfortunately for now, though, they will only be visible on phones.

3. Life Under the Sea

What would our world look like if we lived under the sea? These beautiful works of art try to show us a world where cities are underwater.

4. Leaving Group Texts With an App

GroupXiT is a new app that allows you to leave group messages behind so you no longer receive text messages from the other people in the group. For now, it is only available for Android devices.

5.  11 Beautiful Libraries

Since the first library, architects have designed beautiful homes for books and book lovers. Here is a compilation of 11 different beautiful libraries.

6. Biodegradable Batteries

John Rogers of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign has designed a new biodegradable battery. It can also melt inside the human body after implementation.

7. How the Most Creative Spent Their Days

These infographics show us the daily routines of the world’s most creative people, including Mozart, Kant, and Maya Angelou

8. Early Bird Tickets for TEDxMileHigh No Longer on Sale

Early Bird ticketing for TEDxMileHigh 2014: Emergence has ended, though there are still many available. You can purchase yours here.


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