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Archives for July 15, 2013

Some of our favorite quotes from TEDxMH13

“We’re creating edible food forests in Denver.” – Adam Brock

“Most of the crops grown in Colorado are used for biofuels, not for food.” – Adam Brock

“What would you do with infinite computing abilities?” – Dan Connors

“When you’re intervening in people’s lives you carry a huge responsibility.” – Ned Breslin

“If you keep data to yourself you miss the beautiful potential of data.” – Ned Breslin

“What we have now is data puke. But you can actually see nothing. The point of data is to be understood.” -Ned Breslin

“My goal is to help people. And curiosity has gotten me here.” – Easton LaChappelle

z – Lucifury, Denver Video commissioned by TEDxMileHigh

“Is it my responsibility to change or am I a victim of the system?” – Jandel Allen-Davis

“I believe we are all historians and futurists.” – Molina Speaks

“Never sit back and let something unfair happen. Step up and do something about it.” – Roxane White

“Technology is dope, but you can’t eat Facebook, breathe Twitter, or drink YouTube.”  – Molina Speaks

“Access to bikes can eliminate the barrier of distance between girls and education. Bikes can change lives.”  -Shannon Galpin

“Together we can pedal a revolution that will change the world.” – Shannon Galpin

“Would you hire a felon? A recovering addict? Someone who hasn’t held a job longer than a year?” -Tamra Ryan

“Why must we be so serious about what divides us, and be so trivial about things that unite us?”  -Alexandre Philippe

“The one thing that makes America so great is that we make fun important.” – Alexandre Philippe

“Ignorance had kept me silent for far too long.” -Minor Disturbance

Some of our favorite quotes from TEDxMH13

“We’re creating edible food forests in Denver.” – Adam Brock

“Most of the crops grown in Colorado are used for biofuels, not for food.” – Adam Brock

“What would you do with infinite computing abilities?” – Dan Connors

“When you’re intervening in people’s lives you carry a huge responsibility.” – Ned Breslin

“If you keep data to yourself you miss the beautiful potential of data.” – Ned Breslin

“What we have now is data puke. But you can actually see nothing. The point of data is to be understood.” -Ned Breslin

“My goal is to help people. And curiosity has gotten me here.” – Easton LaChappelle

z – Lucifury, Denver Video commissioned by TEDxMileHigh

“Is it my responsibility to change or am I a victim of the system?” – Jandel Allen-Davis

“I believe we are all historians and futurists.” – Molina Speaks

“Never sit back and let something unfair happen. Step up and do something about it.” – Roxane White

“Technology is dope, but you can’t eat Facebook, breathe Twitter, or drink YouTube.”  – Molina Speaks

“Access to bikes can eliminate the barrier of distance between girls and education. Bikes can change lives.”  -Shannon Galpin

“Together we can pedal a revolution that will change the world.” – Shannon Galpin

“Would you hire a felon? A recovering addict? Someone who hasn’t held a job longer than a year?” -Tamra Ryan

“Why must we be so serious about what divides us, and be so trivial about things that unite us?”  -Alexandre Philippe

“The one thing that makes America so great is that we make fun important.” – Alexandre Philippe

“Ignorance had kept me silent for far too long.” -Minor Disturbance

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