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Search Results
Fake news is about to get much worse. Here’s a solution.
Aviv Ovadya
Can we redesign healthcare to profitably serve the poor?
P.J. Parmar
In a world of instant gratification, don’t forget your legacy
Jake Weidmann
A mental health discovery that could change criminal justice forever
Kim Gorgens
You’re going to die. What will happen to your online life?
Jed R. Brubaker
Designing playgrounds for happier, healthier kids
Sarah Werner Konradi
The overdose epidemic isn’t slowing down – here’s the solution
Lisa Raville
How I recovered from PTSD through fashion
Duane Topping
School shootings can be prevented — here’s how
William Woodward
I was an MS-13 gang member. Here’s how I got out
Gerardo Lopez
“The Truth Tells” / “House of the Rising Sun”
Emelise Munoz
“Kids These Days” / “Glass”
Elise Legendre
“Can You?” / “I’m Rooting for Everybody Black”
Futuristic tattoos that react to the world around you
Carson Bruns
How virtual reality can improve your mental health
Matt Vogl
How to break away from habit & follow through on your goals
Sabine Doebel
You’re a beatboxer. Let me show you.
Mark Martin
“Killer Robot” / “Ushti Ushti Baba”
Gora Gora Orkestar
Why US prisons need to abolish solitary confinement
Laura Rovner
Artificial muscles for a new generation of lifelike robots
Christoph Keplinger
How my sexual assault was hijacked by politicians & lobbies
Kimberly Corban
“How the women in my family dance, in four parts”
Alejandro Jimenez
How we build bridges between police officers & youth
Michael ILL Se7en Acuña
Sexual Violence is preventable – here’s how
Apryl Alexander

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