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Archives for June 5, 2018

How to Become a TEDxMileHigh Intern

TEDxMileHigh Reset

You watch a TED or a TEDx talk and you instantly feel the excitement, the energy, the inspiration. You know you’re destined to be involved, work behind the scenes and collaborate with the team that makes it all happen.

An internship is where you’re meant to be, but how can you get there?

Video Production Intern Gabirel Ezcurra shooting some footage for an Adventure

How to Do It

You undoubtedly have a list of goals you want to achieve for yourself in this new stage of your life. Developing skills, learning new things and building a better resume are probably all on that list. And TEDxMileHigh is the place to make it all happen.

You see that TEDxMileHigh has provided an extensive outline of the internship duties, expectations, and preferred skills. Most candidates would just take that at face value and respond to the provided job description. But you’re different. You know you can add value to the organization and community. The organization has listed what they want from you, but you know you have more to offer.

Take the time to think about your savvy skills, core values, and curious mind. TEDxMileHigh wants interns who take initiative, have collaborative mindsets and can clearly express ideas and opinions. If this describes you, you can eagerly walk into the interview prepared and determined to land that internship slot.

Be passionate and be authentic. Share your enthusiasm for making a difference in the TEDxMileHigh community. You’re extraordinary–you just need to let TEDxMileHigh see what you already know to be true.

Tickets for TEDxMileHigh: Reset are on sale now!

Ideas come to life directly through the people who attend our conferences. Don’t miss an opportunity to connect with a brilliant crowd at TEDxMileHigh: Reset on Saturday, Dec. 1, 2018.

But There’s More

If you really want to add value, here are a few other steps you can take before applying:

  • Do something with your ideas. TEDxMileHigh is all about spreading new ideas and fresh perspectives. It doesn’t have to be big–just do something that takes your passion and involves the community.
  • Create an online portfolio. Especially if you’re interested in marketing or design, let TEDxMileHigh see what you’ve done. Showcase your accomplishments and be proud of it!
  • Become a TED connoisseur. Not only do we advise binge watching TED talks, but spend time evaluating them. What similarities are there? What messages does each talk send?
  • Volunteer. The best place to learn more about the organization is to volunteer at events. It will get your foot in the door, provide an opportunity to get to know the team and send a message that you’re serious about working with TEDxMileHigh.
  • Join Adventures or attend an event like TEDxMileHigh: Uncommon. It will get that extraordinary brain of yours thinking of new ideas and how to share them with the community.

You May Even Be Able to Create Your Own Role

One way to boldly get your foot in the door at TEDxMileHigh is to create your own position or title within the organization. You may see the opportunity to create a role based on your unique skill set that benefits the team just as much as it benefits you. Easier said than done, but we have a few tips.

At the end of the day, you need to add value to what TEDxMileHigh is already asking of you as an intern. First, it’s important to know that adding value is different than contributing to weekly team meetings or attending every event. Adding value means stepping out of your comfort zone a little, taking initiative, and bringing your big ideas to the table.

It all starts with the first touchpoint of communication: the application process. Be bold and confident in your answers, know that you have what the team is looking for–and needs. Don’t be afraid to speak up about your abilities and skills, and don’t be afraid to suggest a role that might work better for you and for the organization. Offer solutions that might be outside of the box and share your ideas proudly.

Most importantly, don’t be afraid to be human. Think about your interview as an authentic conversation with interesting people. Make sure you pick their brains too. You’ll learn a lot and make an impression – an impression that may even be big enough for TEDxMileHigh to create an internship role just for you.


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