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Archives for April 24, 2013

See iconic Denver locations in new concept video for TEDxMileHigh

A few months ago, the team at TEDxMileHigh sat down with Chris Anthony of Chuck Fryberger Films about making a teaser video for the June 15 event. We initially wanted to create something that had the spirt of TED and the pulse of Denver, but left this in Chris’ court to decide just how that would look.  As a professional videographer and filmaker, we trusted that Chris and the team would create something special, and they did. The first live viewing of the video was at TEDxYouth@MileHigh, where it was received with rousing applause by over 1,700 students from around metro Denver.

This is what Chris has to say about the concept, and the creation, of the piece:

“My vision was to draw a connection between TEDxMileHigh and the search for answers through quest and discovery. The TEDxMileHigh origin of that connection is the background tapestry, cast with iconic Denver locations. I wanted to fill scenes with the thick lifeblood of a classic Denver experience. We follow the main character on a linear and realistic journey from Mile High Stadium, through downtown and finally arriving at Civic Center Park. His quest is to unravel the mystery of an unknown object that essentially manifests itself in the end as the spirit of TEDx. In the finale, we observe that there are other people that have discovered the same objects and supposedly arrived at the end of their own journeys. Those characters were designed to represent my impression of some archetypical Denver folks who would be identifiable to the TEDxMileHigh community. On the technical end we designed the production carefully to be able to incorporate heavy 2D visual effects. I set my sights very high in terms of the visual look I wanted to achieve. I am very proud of this piece and hope that it inspires the mind’s eye of the TEDxMileHigh community.”

Watch the video below:

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