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Archives for February 27, 2013

Speaker picks 04: Allen Lim

Speaker picks is an ongoing series where past TEDxMH speakers share what they’re up to, wax poetic, and divulge their TED Talk of choice with the community. This week: Allen Lim

What (or who) has been inspiring you lately? 

Lately, I’ve been completely inspired by my team at Skratch Labs. About a year ago I brought together a group of friends who, collectively, had no real business starting a business. We were an artist, an engineering student, and a physiologist who believed that we could grow a company from scratch under the power of our own sales and common sense rather than the power of borrowed capital and buzzwords. Over the course of the year, in an otherwise terrible economy, we spent less than we made, grew at a nearly exponential rate, made real money with zero debt, and now employ 12 people here in Colorado. It’s a small drop, but it’s a real drop and I couldn’t be prouder or more inspired by the sweat my partners and staff put in the bucket.

What have you been working on lately? 

Recently, I’ve primarily been working on a new cookbook with Chef Biju Thomas that will be out this Spring. Let me tell you something, never write a cookbook. And if you do, and if it’s successful, never try and write a second one. This project is killing me, but primarily because I’m letting it. As Charles Bukowski said, “Find what you love and let it kill you.”

One of your big goals for 2013. 

This year I want to storm a castle for true love and be okay posting it on Facebook. I’m not talking about little kittens and babies dancing on You Tube, I’m talking about the mutual seduction – that fleeting glimpse – that elusive idea…imperfect perfection.

What’s your favorite TED talk?

I have a few favorite TED Talks. The Vulnerability talk by Brene Brown. Your Elusive Creative Genius by Elizabeth Gilbert.

But, if I had to pick just one, I’d go with Peter Diamandis and his talk Abundance is Our Future.  I like Peter Diamandis’ talk because he gives us some real facts to feel optimistic about the future. As much as we might be conditioned to be fearful and cautious, we really live on hope. It’s nice to be reminded that there is much to be hopeful in the world.


“Onstage at TED2012, Peter Diamandis makes a case for optimism — that we’ll invent, innovate and create ways to solve the challenges that loom over us. “I’m not saying we don’t have our set of problems; we surely do. But ultimately, we knock them down.”

Did you miss Allen’s talk at TEDxMileHigh: Inspired Citizenship or TEDxMileHighSalon? Find them here

Want to learn more about what Allen is up to?  Follow him on twitter @Allencolim or read about Skratch Labs here.  

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