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Archives for February 5, 2013

Speaker picks 01: Adam Lerner

Speaker picks is an ongoing series where past TEDxMH speakers share what they’re up to, wax poetic, and divulge their TED Talk of choice with the community. This week: Adam Lerner.

What (or who) has been inspiring you lately?

I was inspired when I saw a woman dancing with a hula hoop in the park this morning. All I could think was, “I wish I had that much fun at work.” Otherwise, I’m inspired by Lowbrow Denver: part art gallery, part workshop space, part gift shop, completely crazy. Maybe that’s a theme here.

What have you been working on?

I’m putting the final edits on my book From Russia With Doubt, about the unauthenticated art of the Russian avant-garde. Wait, that sounds boring. Oh jeez, maybe it is boring.

One of your goals in 2013.

Obviously, I’d like to stop writing boring books. I’d like to stop trying to send text messages to my dog. I’d like to be a few inches taller in 2013.  And I’d like to stop using the word tukhus when speaking to strangers.

What’s your favorite TED Talk?

My favorite TED talk is by Dave Eggers, entitled, “Once Upon a School.”
From TED: “Accepting his 2008 TED Prize, author Dave Eggers asks the TED community to personally and creatively engage with local public schools.”

Miss his Talk at TEDxMileHigh? Find it here. Want to know more about what’s happening with Adam? Find all you ever wanted to know (and maybe some you didn’t) on his visual, visceral, and endlessly interesting website.

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